Some benefits when you play the Grapenopoly

– Earn More from Your Rental Property

Become a Grapenopoly real estate investor. Buy a NFT Property to receive rent in token that you can convert to real money outside in exchanges.

– In-game Buy Low, Sell High

Buy cheap NFT properties, add houses or hotel with higher rental earnings, and sell them for more using For Sale feature.

– Buy Low, Sell High

Buy cheap NFT properties, add houses or hotel with higher rental earnings, and sell them for more as NFT in any outside NFT Marketplace.

– GrapeSwap Ultimate Gain for Grapenopoly NFT Properties (coming soon)

Wow online guests with great auction prices to inspire bidding on your NFT properties. Setting the starting bid and advertising online is the key to attracting bids and earning money from your auction properties.

– Sell NFT Properties Directly

It’s the same as buy low, sell high strategy, but in this case you can trade directly with people to receive 100% of the sale value without intermediaries. Create and share advertising media for your NFT properties using social medias, receive sales and send NFT properties directly from your wallet.

Author admin
Categories Release
Views 4080